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Everything posted by carlsg

  1. I was told the other day its going season ticket only after a stocking in the a month or so and will have a ticket price of £500 dont know if its true or not
  2. Take a look at this icemaster http://fisheries.co.uk/willesley/index.htm
  3. Some good angling there mate well done and congrats on the all the new pbs
  4. murphy,s lake mate in thurmaston
  5. its been that long mate but there was on most weekends the same folk down there. most are put off now by the two memorials on either side of the lake
  6. me and my mates used to fish it most weekends back in the 90s was good fishing bk then not been since hence why i want to give it a bash this year if they could sort the weed and security id more than likely do a season on there after the carp cats are not for me
  7. Keep us posted mate i fancy another go there this year at some point. i wonder how bad the weed is
  8. got my ticket booked and paid for ready for end of june 48hrs on sandhurst cant wait
  9. Dont go telling everyone about merricks or there wont be any space left for me lmao
  10. You got any tips you want to pm courtz
  11. just viewed the web site WOW what a place plus i like the idea of pre booking before you get there i think ive now made my mind up cheers courtz
  12. as above was looking at going linear on bn1 but after reading what jules put im now put off by the place so looking for ideas from you guys im tempted to go back to elsons
  13. Oh not good news at all mate im due to go down last weekend in june with 6 others but after reading this it is now in dout
  14. willesley is day ticket water christine will let you do nights without booking
  15. well worth a look mate http://www.prideofderby.co.uk/
  16. merricks is a nice water il be on there next season myself lad at works on there already
  17. yes i did mate it was heavy with weed and very hard fishing nothing came out on the whole lake in the 24hrs we were there
  18. try here mate im going back in august on mallard lake http://www.stanwicklakesfisheries.com/
  19. what about romans at stanwick coops has a better idea of the place though http://www.stanwicklakesfisheries.com/
  20. i couldnt fault the water one bit mate and john is a sound bloke elsons was the quietist lake apart from romans the others were fairly busy and active im going to go back at some point maybe not this year but most definitely next
  21. just got back from 24hrs at stanwick on elsons no fish came out at all had a few bleeps on buzzers but no takes there is a hell of alot of weed had the marker out for ages trying to find some clear patches even fished the margins last night nothing there either i shall be going back but on mallards as a few came on there who was that to bookiebasher
  22. thanks coops i hope to give a review myself when i get back sunday and with some pics of fish on the bank with any luck
  23. the place is not good at all is it neal im giving up my season ticket next year and i will monitor the place and may do a day or two
  24. who can quess were im fishing sat for 24hrs
  25. dont listen to him beanz keep them coming mate
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