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Everything posted by cityzen

  1. sale isnt too far from middleton about 20-25 mins and you can nightfish heaton parkwhen nightfishing heaton you can move your car as close to your peg as u can get it but it must be back in the car park by the time the gates are opened again oh and once your locked in your not getting your car backk out that nigt
  2. c,mon people theres got to be more info tha this judging by all the bivvies that have been on there recently
  3. f ished two short days last week at heaton BLANKED.Its 3 qud for a day ticket there are no bait bans and use as many rods as u like or that is what the baliff told me you can also night fish if you desire.does anyone know how may fish are in there and too what size they go
  4. does anyone have any tips or info on this water (boating lake)fished two short day sessions just to get the feel eo the place and blanked but did see a couple of decent fish any pointers would be greatly received .
  5. couldnt agree more ,simplicity is the key ive tried hinged rigs shrink tubing etc etc but i always end up tying simple rigs and seem to have more confidence using these but each to his own as they say
  6. if tou have waders you can step out and place a stone onto your line to weigh it down
  7. used to use ready tied rigs ,but lost fish using these, since tying own rigs ifeel more confident with end product therefore iam fishing more effectively and not fretting about whether rig willdoits job
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