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Posts posted by evans

  1. It doesn't matter what braid you use as long as you are comfortable with it!


    Old News, but Korda had a problem with a load of Hybrid being recalled and they had to replace many purchased spools.




    My Mate used the stuff and lost a couple of fish due to knots snapping and it had awful Abrasion Resistance.


    I keep Kryston Mantis and Mantis Gold, Snakebite and Snakeskin in the Tackle Box.


    They work for me so I see no need to change.


    The problem with Korda Hybrid are now solved. IMO korda hybrid is the best coated braid!

  2. your post really does frighten me david :shock: you really need to look a bit deeper into leadcore mate, the stuff just isn't safe for carp fishing :wink:

    its been banned on a lot of waters because people just can't tie it up safely.

    take a long hard look at your last statement in your first post, your mainline breaks but leadcore is much stronger etc etc.

    think about it, if your mainline breaks and you haven't set it up correctly that carp gets left towing the leadcore, if your rig is really poorly constructed it ends up towing the leadcore and your lead too :shock:

    how does the carp get free if the leadcore/lead snags up? the simple answer is it doesn't, it dies a slow and lingering death through starvation :shock:

    the only safe way to set up leadcore is to use a cv safety/helicopter rig, in the event of the mainline breaking the hooklength can slide off the leadcore and everything gets dumped, any other way of using leadcore is dangerous, safety clips and inline leads used with leadcore are potential death traps :wink: if i had my way it would be banned from every fishery in the country :wink:

    use tubing mate, the esp tubing is heavier than leadcore anyway so it pins the line better, you won't get any lifted scales with tubing and in the event of you mainline breaking you haven't got a fish towing round something it can't escape from if it gets stuck :wink:

    bini and his brother can't tell the difference in results so that should tell you its pretty pointless using it, its expensive, uneccesary and potentially dangerous so why take a risk using it :?:


    Leadcore is no more expensive than rig tubing!

    ESP leadcore £12.95 for for 25 meters and ESP rig tube/ancher rig £1.80 for two meters.

    Leadcore 52p per meter

    Rig tube 90p per meter


    Rig tubing is more expensive leadcore all the way



  3. Maybe 3 inches depending how you want to fish


    3 inches you may as well have it all stripped!

    The carp will be laughing at you!

    You really aint got a clue have you mate. Why not strip it back 3 inches it will give you a bit more movement at the hookbait which can help the hook turn better. If you are using pop ups you can strip it back 1,2 or 3 inches and have your counterbalance weight on the spot its stripped back to. I use fox cortex alot with 12/15 inch hooklengths stripped back anything up to 4 inches and I catch plenty of good fish. As for the carp laughing at jake I bet they aint laughing as much as I was when yet again on here I read another stupid childish remark.








  4. As far as i know the older version of hybrid was witrhdrawn from sale. And a newer version brought out. So how old was your spool?


    Anyway hybrid is the best braid available never ever had any problems with it. Infact i landed two 20's on it in the last 24hours!

  5. i would always use the needle knot as i have 100% confidence that the lead can pass over it making if you were to break off . if you use any other knot you have to splice each end and when testing this (at home) i found that sometimes the lead does not pass over it. Making it a DEATH rig.

  6. i caught on a stick afew weeks ago on the surfacei ran out of fake mixers so i cut a stick down with me knife and took the bark of it and superglue it to the shank lol. and ive caught on a slug on the bottom


    How can u run out of fake mixers?

    As you dont lose them when you get a fish!!!

  7. I always use the needle knot to attach leadcore to mainline as it produces a neat non bulky knot that'll allow any lead/hooklink depending on style fished,to pass over it.


    What is the needle knot?

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