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Everything posted by fisherflack

  1. just having one would be good!!!!! Thanks for all your help
  2. Cheers, i will have a play, hope to be out next weekend!!!!
  3. would you put that on the tube? or above it?
  4. It must be about 18" to 2" so yes I think it would be.... OOOPS
  5. all sounds good to me, I had mine about a foot long so will reduce it.....
  6. This is how I have it set, with tubing up the line to the rod, is that correct? How far should the tubing go? Thanks mate
  7. All, I have tied some rigs (standard knotless knot) with a size 8 swivel. Hows best to have the weight. I have heard using tubing for a couple of feet up the line from the hook is good? has anyone got anyone got any picks of lead presentation. Sorry if I sound a little thick!
  8. Hi guys, As mentioned I am only just coming back to fishing after a long break and to be honest most of the fishing I have done was match so not that clued up on the Carp side of things! I went this weekend and blanked although I did have a couple of bleeps on the buzzer wich I thought were line bites, but reading some stuff on here it could have been fish feeding but my rig was not right! or my line was to tight, I had one running rig and one fixed rig and I had a bleep on each of them throughout the day, but both rods had tight lines, should I have had them slacker? To do this, should I reel the line tight then just back off a little before attaching the swingers? Sorry to sound thick! Rob
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