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Everything posted by fy353

  1. Anyone any upto date info on this place? used to fish it before the split and once after. Just wondered if the lake was still ran as a carp fishery. Thanks folks
  2. Sure i read somewhere that the water in the lakes was too acidic to sustain carp, i dont know if this is true or not. I have dangled on windermere,rydal water,ullswater,wastwater(although got turfed off wastwater because it's used for diving). There's a camp site called waterside at ullswater that you can pitch up and fish more or less 20 meters from your tent. Good fun for perch and trout. And a nice 15 min trekk into the lovely pooley bridge village You could try esthwaite which is a commercial trout fishery,good chance of a catch there. I would look for tributaries that run into your chosen lake and have a go for the wild trout(you may have to pay for a day ticket).
  3. The wyreside at st michaels near garstang(little wyreside) has shut down, the tackle shop is now a craft shop and the weird fish cafe is still trading. Dont know the score with the lake, only what i've heard. Apparently it was netted 3 times last year and the fish sold, also planning permission for holiday homes granted for the site of the lake. Shame really as it was a well laid out fishery(and on my doorstep). Back to the original thread, why dont you have a look at four seasons fishery in blackpool. Not to everyones taste and i've only been on once but pals have done well on there. The big wyreside is a good shout also
  4. Thanks mate, hoping to get on for 4 nights in early sept. Will report back how i got on. Thanks
  5. I'm not the most experianced, but sure post your rigs up. Even if i cant help some one with a bit more knowledge will put you right
  6. Carp r us offset, a proper hook Never tried the fox hooks though
  7. Have you tried wyreside fisheries, its a complex of a few lakes and some good sized fish to go at. Also wyreside fishery is a nice little water with a few 30's to fish for.
  8. fy353


    Sure this has been up on here before but just as i am getting back into carping after a shortish break, i wondered if anyone of you used crimps in your rig/leader making. I have used crims for my sea fishing and had no problem with them at all as a leader component, landed a 8lb thornback ray in a heavy tide. My only concern is that carp lines and leaders are generally a finer diameter and wondered if this would be a disadvantage. Would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks
  9. Hi people, its been a while since i last visited the site as i have been out of the carping game for a while as i lost the bug a little bit and couldnt be arsed dragging my ass out on to the bank. Well the bug has well and truly been re lit, not sure whats caused this but i am going to hit my carp fishing with renewed vigour. Rather than float around different day ticket waters i am going to soley concentrate on one water which is sunnyside 1 on the wyreside complex. I would be greatfull of any tips ie depths,bars,channels anything really. I am going to be getting the marker kit out anyway of course but a few starting points would be most appreciated. Thanks fellas/lasses
  10. Hi folks, i live about two miles from four seasons. Due to a new woman i have had no time to fish this place (or any other ) this year. However my fishing buddy has done 72hrs on the water since may, over 3 sessions. He has fished both the runs water and the speci. The results are 2 blanks and a two fish haul on the speci, 2 x 20's no less In his words (this is a fishery to keep your eye on) He also says lots of naturals in the water...maybe a change of tactics if you go. Good luck
  11. Cheers for the tips. There are a few waters near Blackpool that are ok but i like a bit of variety to my fishing, used to travel to selby 3 lakes but this has changed to 1 day ticket lake now,not the same. You should check out wyresidefishery.co.uk, this is a water know as "little" wyreside. Its at stmichaels just of the A6. Its not far from wyreside lakes and is a good water. Cheers
  12. Well thats funny because me and a mate are of to Sapphire lake in newark, travelling from Blackpool. Have you fished this water,any tips.
  13. Hi mate, I have fished river lake a few times and sunny 2 a couple of times,never had a problem with other anglers on there but i have heard a few stories. I have only had one fish out of river and none from sunny 2 but i have'nt spent much time on the complex really. Personally i dont really rate wyreside because most of the pegs are close together and you dont get much water to play with. On the other hand i know folk like the place, so i would give it a go and dont worry about the tales you have heard.
  14. Whats the correct way to set up this type of float? Thanks
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