Alright mate, I have just moved from Nottingham in Jan, there are a few decent waters around there, the fish arnt massive and finding a thirty is tricky(i didnt find any anyway). Colwick park west lake is a good twenties water with a couple of thirties thrown in, not my kind of place though, i will let you make your own mind up about it. The trent has quite a few carp in it, you have to find em, this i found quite tricky as i dont like to fish the more popular places, each to their own i say though. My favourite place though is the finger ponds at holme pierpont, bit tricky to find and you now need a key to get to the lake but, its really quiet, vaery vaery carpy to look at, every swim has features, too many in fact, took me ages to get a fish from their but when i did they just kept coming, not big, i think the bigger ones in there grew legs and found themselves in other lakes, this seems to happen quite alot around there un fortunately. I think its a notts anglers water and a ticket doesnt cost much, i love the place, give it a go. Hope that helps mate, if you want any tips on the place pm me and i will see what i can do.