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Posts posted by camou_carper

  1. Hi Phil,


    Good luck at Linear, It was a night mare 2 weeks ago, Oxleys being full and St Johns, the only lake that was free had a 2 mile hike from the Car Park.


    OK, Fester


    Yes Phil is very correct the lake is heavily stocked with good quality fish ranging from 12 - 22lb with lots of mid twenties and the biggest carp being around 35-37ib abound 5-6 of them. Lake is around 4 Acres, with a good head of around 350-400 fish, according to Albury...(Fisheries Manager)

    There are a couple of mid 30 Catfish in the lake also (hoping to catch one next week)

    The lake and it's settings are very scenic, with various trees which provide great cover and lake layout and design provides very accomodating swims. The new management company have put alot of effort and money into making this a safe and quality fishing environment going to the level of providing Picnis tables and log boundaries around the swims, there are alos toilets and shower facilites (Clean)

    The lake itself as Phil explains has many features including gravel bars, overhanging trees and liley pads etc, however at the bottom end pegs can be a little tricky as I feel peg 7 needs taking away to provide better swim coverage.


    Mid week fishing is advisable as at the weekends the lake is full and very pressured!

    Myself and Phil had a good session recently bagging some very nice fish up to 19lb around 16-18 fish between us If I remember rightly and the smallest being 14lb, however these beautiful Carp fought like complete loonatics, and provided us with some very good entertainment and Adrenalin rushes :)


    Myself and Phil, tried a range of baits on this lake with Fusion boilies from Mainline being the most productive. We found that as Phil states, Meaty Boilies work and Pepperami, and maize worked well for Phil on a popup, but unfortunatly not for me.

    i have also started using bait from a local supplier and have tried the shellfish 15mm boilies with success.

    Bait is always down to the individual and what you feel confident with but from my expearience the following work:





    Meaty Crab


    Phil had some screammmming runs on these...........Woke you up mate huh hehehe


    Make a good Ground Bait up also, I use the following in Korda Boilie netting:


    10mm Source Boilies (chopped)

    Amino Black Ground Bait

    Halibut Pellets various sizes

    Fusion Pellet

    Frenzied Hemp

    Some Maize

    Fossoil (Attractant)

    Boilie base mix

    Tin of Meatly mix (Dynamite)


    Give it a good old mix up and make it really oily, even drizzle in a little mollassess.

    This works for me, other people may have other potions :)


    Remember Its now Autumn/Winter they will be on the last feeding frenzie and then they will drop off suddenly, so Don't hammer the bait out there you will kill it.

    In the winter they will only pick up 5-6 baits a day tops!


    Hope this is helpful to you.


    Kind Regards




    ps,. Phil keep in touch whilst your away and compare catches m8!


    All the Best Guys!


    BTW My PB on this lake is 21, however we are hoping for mid to late twenties next week or even a 30, the larger fish are now feeding and the smaller ones seem to have dropped off.

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