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Posts posted by 1slipperyfish

  1. sorry to bother you again but, was fishing yesterday evening, caugh two carp one 4lb andone 7lb and i stayed till after dark when i caught one and had the fight of my life. it ended up in stalemate about 8 feet out, so i tried to bully it in and it broke my 8lb mono hookline:eek: i thought you could land a shark on 8lb.

    which leads me to what mainline do you use?

    thanks in advance

  2. what about fox warrior 15lb mono? i have seen this everywhere for about the same price, has anyone used it? i used dam 12lb mono and it held the feeder on ok(didn't catch any fish with it but neither did anyone else:rolleyes: ) but went to my local fishing shops today and they didn't have any diawa sensor

  3. what mainline do you use when carping using bolt rigs etc, in all the fishing mags etc i have collected over the months it shows which rigs and hooklengths etc, but never mentions mainline.

    i am having a go at using the method at the weekend (i'm normally a float man) and my strongest line is 12lb, will this be strong enough?


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