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Everything posted by onetoner

  1. Opps sorry no its not a runs water, i just spoted it in the thred above think gazza ment Catton Park Not Cotton. you could always try Teggs Nose thats a day ticket water think its £6 a day its run by http://www.waltonians.co.uk or Brereton Country Park, Day tickets are available on the bank at £2.50 per rod, this will be collected by our local Bailiff more info can be found on http://www.wheelock-as.co.uk/was/Brereton.html
  2. hi Gaz, Cotton Park is run by Wheelock Angling Society you can see some of the latest catches on there website. http://www.wheelock-as.co.uk/was/Cotton%20Park.html The lake contains a number of Carp to over 35lbs. The lake produced a new record mirror of 36lb last year
  3. I beleive Lymm have some good waters, also Macclesfield Waltonians is worth a look, as for wheelock a would recommend putting your name down on the waiting as it one of the best clubs arround www.wheelock-as.co.uk
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