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Everything posted by carpmandan

  1. I fished peg 20 lake 3 and my mates booked out all lake 4 my report is above. Some may say its unfair but its my honest oppinion of the place i caught a 35lb mirror so have no reason to be bitter. My advice would be to take ur own bait mate. Fish the right hand side bank on peg 20 about 3ft off. Heres a tip take ur own becon coz theirs is crap. Kronenbourg 9 euro crate of 24 Good look Dan
  2. 35lb Mirror 35lb Mirror 25lb Mirror 23lb Mirror 19lb mirror
  3. I was there last week and there was a dying grasscarp on the top in lake 2 and bags of dead fish round the corner you will no where i mean when you smell the decaying fish. Coots are a problem theres hundreds of the little [censored]s, also constant runs but upon striking them nothing on the end owner blames sturgeon but 4 eels where foul hooked when anglers where bringing in there rigs to change baits, so i think its the eels giving false indication although the sturgeon dont help. Swims are realy crap when it rains its just a total joke looks like they havent maintained them in months we had to get pulled out by the fellas trackter . Lakes i think have been made to look big on the net but trust me they aint at all and think they lie about the sizes. Theres an industrial estate rite next to the complex thats realy noisy and massive flood lights light the lakes up, also theres a train track that runs 100 yrds from peg 14 lake 2 and 10 yrds behind peg 20 lake 3 and 5 times a day the train comes steaming through and sounds its horn every time. Facilities are by no means good basic shower and 1toilet for the whole complex. Cafe is ok but shuts for 3 hrs during the day and prices are a joke 20 euros for a marker float/spod. The fellas there are ok to get on with but dont want to help you out that much more interested in your money and fishing there new lake 5 before it opens. I took hemp tigers and frnech maize and baited a massive spot and i mean about 15kg spread out over 5m2 but had nothing at all not even a run. Also used trigger boilies crushed and whole with hemp and only managed 1 fish on this bait 23lb Mirror, but most of my success came from kg1 boilies crushed and whole mixed with 4 and 8mm kg1 pellets i had a 35lb,25lb,19lb,13lb mirrors on this bait. Eight of us went 3 blanked and the other 5 had 14 fish between us. This was my first time to france and i did manage a pb and caught some nice fish but i would not go back to val dore.
  4. Well im back 5 fish in total 35lb mirror in the first 20 mins of being there which the brother in law brought in on my rod (Had to go speak to other people i invited on trip who turned up late.) ermm also 23lb mirror 13lb mirror 19lb mirror and a 25lb mirror which is my new pb as cant realy class the 35lb as 100% mine. (Still got a nice pic with it tho) Will do a proper write up when i get time followed by photos of fish and pegs, complex etc. Tight lines.
  5. Cheers mate gunna set off soon just hope this weather turns tatar all cya when im back.
  6. Two days to go till im off to lake 3 so when i get back will give a full write up on the place as i realy struggled to get info. Many thanks to pellethead who was a great help. Cya soooooooon
  7. Just got a email back from owner of val dore and he said the weed is no longer in lake 4 and not to worry
  8. I dont understand why the owners didnt tell us when we was booking that it was full of weed? Surly this means its gunna be a crap trip and there name will be effected. Why not of just closed it until problem is sorted? God i hope the whole lake aint choked with weed in 3 weeks all me mates are goin on it and im goin on lake 3.
  9. I m going in 4 weeks so hope the lumps have just woken up and are hungry.
  10. Hi mate seen the google earth pics have you got any actual pics of the lake, pegs and fish?
  11. Like i said mate i have booked the whole lake for my freinds but i dint fancy it wanted to try lake 3 but dont think the weed will be as bad in march as it will in august anyway when i get back will get one of the lads off 4 to write you a catch report.
  12. ok mate you have a pm
  13. Hi mate thanks for the info as i said i am fishing peg 20 and also taking aload of maize tigers and hemp. But like you said abit affraid to lob it in as its only end of march early april. Any chance you could send me some pics of the lake, pegs, fish? Kind regards Dan
  14. Hi gap thanks alot i have sent you a pm What time last year did you go?
  15. Booked the whole lake 4 for end of march for my mates but me and me bro are goin on lake 3 anyone heard anything on lake 3? Will let you know how they do m8. God please dnt say lake 3 is the same.
  16. Hi all going france at end of March but constantly keep changing my mind on what bait to take, so hopfully you guys can help me choose. The lake will have just been opened from the winter period and the owners have been feeding them parti mix comprising of tigers, hemp, maize over winter (so they say) So would you either take aload of this parti mix, or take boiles or maybe small amount of both. The only thing with taking small amount of one kind means if its a winner i will only have enoth for 3 days?? Also just how much should i be looking at taking over for that time of the year for 1 weeks fishing. Any help would be greatly apprecieated
  17. Cheers for all the replies fellas luck just so has it that a freind of a freind fancys this trip and would be willing to drive and wait for it in his merc sprinter thank you carp god.
  18. Hi looking for a good van hire company to take 5 anglers gear to france. We will also be taking a car for anglers. So only need a transit type van that can fit two anglers in as well as gear. Any help would be great
  19. I use rig rings mate to get a good strength knot (Grinner)
  20. I use it as well on 1 rod still early days for me aswell but it does stretch like mad, you will defo have to make a combi rig as you cant tie hair. It needs some lead putty rubbing on it aswell as it is very (boyuant spelling?) also dont wet the knot as ur tighting down as is makes it difficult for the knot to form due to shrinking when wet.
  21. If i was to use say a small amount of trigga attached to swivel on the other end tied with water knot to sink link this may hold the trigga down a bit more just a thought as i heard you cannot tie it using hair method. Would a water knot be the best not to join to hooklinks?
  22. Simple mate soak it for 5 mins in a bucket of water before you cast then once on the spot no shrinking takes place.
  23. You see on my water the fish dont take well to pop ups or anything poped up like snowman prestentations. So when i turned them around the baits sort of laid side by side still givin critical balance.
  24. Havin trouble here with trying to balance the baits, does it have to be bottom bait nearest the hook and pop up on the other end? Also when triming down my doesnt look like a snowman as the bottom bait is smaller. Should the baits be laid side by side on the bottom or slightly poped up? Any help would be greatly appreciated
  25. Splice the leadcore then i use a grinner knot splicing is very strong much stronger than any knot.
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