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  1. Yep thats all I do. Putty or Lead wire. Putty is better as Lead Wire can grip too tightly. I have the same thought as you which is why I tie my Running Leads on and PVA them in place for Casting. Hi, Yea, thanks. That does make sense now. Do you not find you get thru alot of putty tho??? I mean, does it come off alot with it acting as the stop for your 'bolt' rig???? I will try it tho ta. Wot, so you use line to tie the ledger to your line in a running fashion, so if it became snagged the line would snap and release??? It just seems strange to me that these fox things are advertised 'safe' and yet really, they adhere to only the least important feature of a semi-fixed safety rig. Cheers
  2. Hi, Thanks for the reply. Yes, i know not to use 2 swivels either side of my running bomb. I was just using this as an example to illustrate what i'm trying to achieve. The thing i'm trying to understand is, the new fox bits i bought (new carp safety sleeves - http://www.leslies-fishing.co.uk/acatalog/Foxendtack.html) don't really work at all in my mind as an alternative to a 'safe' bolt rig, because though the bolt can come free of the clip assembly and run up and down the mainline, there's no way of the bomb coming dettached from the clip assembly, so you'd just be stuck with your line running though your clip, which would still be snagged to whatever it is you're snagged to. Dyou kno wot i mean????? I'm just questioning the purpose of the things. Because the way i'm looking at it, they don't do what they're intended to. Or am i just missing something. So, dyou just stick a lump of putty or sumat around the end of your rig tubing then, and let that act as the 'stop'??? Cheers twign notts
  3. Hi, I've got a question regarding semi-fixed (safety) bolt rigs. I've been carp fishing since i was young, but i want to ensure i'm doing everything by 'todays standards' and properly. I understand the principle of the safety clip (the one with the arm that tucks into the clip, and is then covered by rubber tube). The bomb can pull off the arm of the clip should it become snagged (1nd safety aspect). Also, the swivel pushes into one end of the clip, so that under tension it would pull free and the clip would be able to run up and down the mainline (2st safety aspect). Now, i realise the importance of the 1st point to be that if your rig became snagged via your bomb, the bomb would release, or more importantly, if the fish became snagged by your bomb after it'd snapped you and swam off, it could quite literally save the fish's lifes. But, what is the point in the 2nd point????? Because, if you became snagged and the bomb for example didn't release, the clip being able to move freely up and down your mainline achieves nothing, because you would still be snagged, the line would just be able to pass through you clip, which is snagged. This is where my question is leading. I used to fish a running rig, where the bomb ran freely on about 1.5ft of line (swivel either end), so that the 'bomb' effect wouldn't occur until the fish takes the bait. By this, i believe the fish will feel less of the bomb weight when messing about with my bait prior to taking it, but yet it still works with the effect of the bolt rig. I don't like using the safety clip for this purpose, as it is hard plastic, about an inch long, and the fish could maybe feel the friction of this movement (unless it were perfectly inline with the clip and pulled the line through perfectly str8). So, i bought some fox things. Its a conical shape rubber thats like a ball at one end. This has a groove that goes round it, and then a cicular rubber (which you attach to your bomb) slots into the groove, creating the semi fixed rig. However, it is NOT a safety clip, and i don't see how the bomb would release should it become snagged, which to me is by far the most important aspect of the safety rig. I bought this to create a running rig, but i can't see how it can be safe, other than the fact that it allows the bomb movement up and down the mainline, which to me is NOT safe. For it to be classes safe, the bomb needs to be dettachable surely. This leads to my next question, which is what i'm really trying to figure out how to do. Although using a safety clip would work, as explained, i don't wanna do it that way. Surely, there must be a way out there to create a running rig ( hair rig - swivel - 1.5ft line - swivel - mainline) but adhering to the safety rig. Can anyone help??? Because my club is strict about fixed-bolt rigs, to the point they ask for one of your rods out to check. I don't like the usual semi-fixed bolt, because the weight is fixed to your rig, i want a running rig. But i can't figure out how to get the rig i want, without putting the fish's safety in jeopardy. Atleast i'm caring enough ay. But any help would be very much appreciated Many thanks Twign notts
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