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Everything posted by liam_mcaulay

  1. i have just baught some tfg 25lb well ard fluorocarbon to use as a hooklink material. its ok but im a bit worried about the quality of the loops i have tied bacause as the line is so thick the knot does not seem to tighten as well. has anyone got any suggestions or ideas.
  2. so the lead slides along the line freely??? doesnt this make casting unstable and inaccurate.
  3. im quite new to carping but im well into it and am really enjoying my fishing. after watching the korda underwater carping dvd iv learned that one of the most impotant things about rigs is to pin the line down behind them as to not spook the fish. i do use rig tube but i thikn a flying back lead would work well with the tube and od the job well. could someone please tell me how i should go about how to rig them up.
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