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Everything posted by ladders

  1. At the risk of giving egg-sucking lessons - this can be avoided by looping the line in the direction away from the join. Unless you mean the eye has burrs inside, which really is unforgivable! the eyes were poor constructed to say the least some had nearly a .5mm gap i know i was able to gauge it using a feela gauge and yes i did loop them the right way
  2. have to say in the last 4 yrs i have tried loads of hooks and for me i have had korum seemless, fox armour point, esp, nash, jrc, korda. and this was my findings korums - grea idea for seemless eye but my god they a flimsy and straighten far to easy esp - nice sharp hooks BUT again far to flimsy and brittle had em straighten and break korda - disappoint that they wernt sharp enough considering how much danny fairbrass hypes them up. jrc - nice and sharp, poor eye construction had them cut my fluro line nash, nice strong hooks but blunt very quickly good pattern design on some fox amour point - on test very sharp, very strong and very reliable considering i hated their old hooks these armour points for me personally are by far the best on the market.
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