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Everything posted by taylor2519

  1. i fished there last year. me and my mate were in the cabin on the large lake. there were also 5 bivvies along side of us who all blanked. we stayed monday-friday and had 2 fish (1 each). also heard that some fish have been removed. the reason they reccomend cotswold bait is that the bailiff's son is part owner of the company.
  2. you wont be dissapointed read it 3 times now
  3. hey mate did five nights there last summer from the cabin on the main lake. there was also five other anglers in bivvys on the lake and had been there 7 days and blanked. me and a friend fished from the cabin with 3 rods each. popups worked best for us. lost one and had 2 20's out. try fishing as tight as possible up to the bank or island.
  4. checked the website but doesnt say how old the lakes are but i do know its fairly new.
  5. This facillity was supposed to be updated not so long ago.. This has obviously not happened as the north west area is so incorrected its untrue. Could anyone shed some light on the situation many thanks oo this is my 100th thread
  6. thats strange just bought crafty carper magazine and its in their top day ticket waters. must admit looked good and not far from me. the magazine says they expect it to become the north wests premier day ticket water gutted now you've said that because i was going to give it a go but think i'll give it a miss
  7. who's read this one by sgt dan mills in iraq simply the best book ever didnt want to put it down please read this you will not be dissapointed
  8. taylor2519


    anyone know of a good website with detailed drawings of rigs. by the way carp addict magazine is a rip off at £4.20
  9. anyone know where to find a diagram? the 1st korda is good and has helped me to understand this carp fishing lark a lot more.i would love to go underwater on my lake and c whats in there. that danny does go over the a bit though
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