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  1. Thanks for the reply bulk. Do you have any pics of the two fish you caught? I have heard that its busier than it used to be but like you say with that much water there will always be somewhere to fish. Really looking forward to the challenge and getting away from the circus.
  2. Hey, I am thinking of giving ocean pit a try this coming season. Walked round it and it is a stunning looking pit. I am not gonna ask for stocking levels, fish sizes or the what swims i should be fishing etc etc. Prefer to do the hard work myself. There gonna be three of us fishing so between us im sure we will have a good crack at it. Just wondered if anyone on here has fished the place and knows how busy it can get or if there are many that fish it seriously? I know its a big ask but has anyone got any pics of fish they could pm me. Many thanks
  3. Does anyone haver any information on nunnery syndicate? I'm movinf to therford in september so am looking for somewhere to fish. Is it a closed shop or is there a chance of getting in? Any info on stock, contact detail, price etc would be great!! cheers
  4. Hi all, Does anyone else know of or seen this lake. Went and had a look the other day. Really easy to find with multimap. Not seen any carp in there. It is right next to the orwell but is definately fresh water. Looks about 20 - 25 acres and has two islands. Cant find any info about it. There some houses near by so may go and ask the owners if they know anything! Looks very carpy!!
  5. Does anyone have any info on these lakes. Heard there are 40lb commons in there. Is it a busy lake, night fishing allowed, stock etc. Many thanks
  6. Hi all, Does anyone know of any lakes in suffolk that contain fish in to the 30's and possibly 40's. I know of SWP but is there any where else. Any help would be great! Many Thanks
  7. Hi all, Looked at weirwood this week. Looks like a lovely water, Heard it contains carp but cant find out much info on how big they go and how to fish it. Can anyone help many thanks
  8. Is it true that there are carp to over 30lb in Alton. I have looked at it many times and have always hoped it held some carp. Always up for a challenge!
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