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Everything posted by herbgsxr

  1. Lick and stick the bag up. It will lick and stick around standard mainline, leader or tubing It doesn't work with leadcore though why bring lead core into this its not illegal to use it no matter what you say the chaps just asking about solid bagging
  2. its no more dangerous than any other set up in the wrong hands in the RIGHT hands this is dangerous. leadcore is far worse than anything else out there and imho there is no place for it in carp fishing so i can lock a lead to my line that wont come off in a break of but cannot use my lead core on free running set up then .
  3. its no more dangerous than any other set up in the wrong hands
  4. pm me and ill let you have all details
  5. barrow deeps plenty carp in that area
  6. try maynell some big carp in there
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