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Everything posted by qpr

  1. nice idea then i wont have to cut either it'll make the presentatation a bit worse with a swival and a link though. Ill give it a go spose i wont use leaders all the time either il use a different spool for close range work. Thanks mate thats what ill do! Ben
  2. Good thread mate cheers for that so it's either cut the rig or the leader Thanks, Ben
  3. Hi everyone! Been fishing for a few years, and until now i diddnt feel the need to use a shockleader. But now i need to cast about 110 yards to a graval patch surrounded by silt using a 3oz-3.5oz lead. My question is, what is a good knot to use to tie the leader to the rig swival?, cant find any posts on this (all bout attaching the leader to the mainline). Another question is i have been told to cut the leader down to size so on the cast there is approximatly 5 turns on the spool but surely after a few sessions of tying and cutting off the rig end knot of the leader a certain amount of leader material will be lossed then surely there will no longer be "approximatly 5 turns of leader material on the spool", and perhaps none at all resulting in a crack off!! Is there anyway of avoiding this? or do you just have to replace the whole leader every few sessions? when it gets to short. My leader material is Korda Xtough in 30lb strain tied to 12lb mono. Thanks in advance much appriciated! Cheers, Ben [edited to remove link]
  4. Got back from my day session had 1 rod on hybrid and one on Snakebite to be honest i prefer the snakebite! Had 3 fish on each though but the snakbite is just easyer to use and a tiny bit cheaper!!! Could only get the hybrid in 15lb though wanted 20 or 25lb realy to make a stiffer rig!!! Cheers, Ben
  5. Thanks for your reply! Think ill have one rod with the loop and the swival and one tied directly to the swival see what works best. Ive heard korda have modified the hybrid some what and now its more reliable regarding the random snapping problem though not sure about the knot strengh! Think im going to give it a few tests tomorrow aswell mate as im using it on friday well planned to! Cheers, Ben
  6. Im a member of a colchester club at the mo! Well anyway going back to the hybrid i'm a bit confused are you sposed to have a loop in the lead end of the hybrid with a swival on that, or do you tie the hybrd strait onto the swival with no loop? Ive bin trying to work it out for ages now cant find much about it on the net or this forum, would realy appriciate an answer to this!! Thanks vey much , Ben
  7. Just that i fish ardleigh res aswell u see
  8. So where is this Ardleigh then???
  9. Thanx for your replys! Will let you kow how i get on on fri. salokcinnodrog is that ardleigh res in colchester??? Cheers ben
  10. cheers for your reply salokcinnodrog. Yer your right i shouldnt just randomy try hooklinks out but ive recently been using a lot of supple braids and to be honest im totally fed up with the tangles especially when casting 80 yards+. So ive decided to give Hybrid a try because of its stiff outer coating. I was thinking of using a stiff flurocarbon like IQ but that would be even more of a change from my supple braids!!! Going for a day session on friday to test the hybrid out ill let you know how i get on. Do you, or anyone else reading this use it much, if so what do you think?? Thanks a lot, Ben
  11. Alrite guys? Im thinking of using korda hybrid aswell but the lake i fish is very silty and ive herd when fishing very stiff rigs (such as korda hybrid) you should always fish them on a hard bottem. Do you think there is any where round this so i coud fish hybrid on a silt bottem im thinking a helicopter rig setup?? Cheers, Ben
  12. Cheers mate!
  13. Hi, I have recently started fishing a new lake. I think using leadcore will help me catch as the fish seem very wary of my line. Can someone tell me how to attach leadcore at both the hooklink end and the mainline end? Also how would i be able to use it with a bolt rig? Many thanks, Ben
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