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Everything posted by jasoncoggins

  1. I doubt you will as the lake is completely desperate from the hall there is a show being held there in may called the bushcraft show,well my son charley is really into that sort of stuff so I said I would take him might get the chance to bump into someone and have a decent look round the lake
  2. He means the folly pool, at the top end of the car park
  3. Get on pegs 6 8 or 10, fish the margins or tight to the islands, but don't ignore the open water as it's a lot less pressured and often throws up a bite
  4. Im sorry matt but who the helk are you yo say what people can and cant ask? Weather its there first post or not it gives you no right to be the forum hitler Willesley is a gorgeous lake loads of good looking fish, but does get a bit busy and the bream can be a nightmare Head down to northampton and the worlds your oyster, id recommend stankwick fishery personally
  5. Have a good look around when your there and find the fish, any decent rig will be fine, don't ignore zigs
  6. The source will do you fine, worry more about putting it in the right place!
  7. Get yourself on the Trent
  8. If the truth was told about the place then no one would be complaining, The fish all average 4-8lb, it's basically a 9 acre hole in the ground, with no backside cover etc Maybe worth a look in another 10 years, but not before then
  9. agreed! biggest waste of moneyul ever have! dont listen to a word that the baliff says!
  10. that would be the lake at middleton hall and the middleton rspb reserve
  11. not the lamb waters no, although i no a fair bit about them... there was a fish kill down there..i wont go into the details on an open forum, but the lamb were very naughty put it that way
  12. Peg 20 or 21 and I'd expect 3-5 a per day session, rest of te pool can be tricky though
  13. theres loads in there,,,but 90% are typical tame valley fish, all mid double commons..theres the odd better fish, but nothing spectacular, and certainly no "right lumps",big scales the biggest and shes come out at 27 a couple of weeks back
  14. with the weather starting to cool off have a go off the car park pegs near the stream, or fish peg one towards where the ducks get fed
  15. Iv only ever done well on te normal for some reason
  16. size of the lake shouldnt make a difference,,,find the fish first, then fish for them,,
  17. have a look in the right section mate,,,might get you more answers!
  18. Still rammed as ever, I popped in for a look last Wednesday and it was stupidly busy, so can't imagine what weekends are like... If you do go dint forget your pepperami
  19. Have a look at shuttington lake on there ticket, not sure on stock as there was a fish kill a few years back, but lovely water
  20. Two 30s, big scale and the mug fish, handful of twenties and a good number of doubles, days only unless you join the lamb.. Not a bad water but ull be better off going up to kingsbury water park as it's only 5 minutes up the road
  21. Ul find a 30 in swan, mill and bodymoor Heath Swans good for a few fish, or bodymoor if you want more of a challenge
  22. There's no magic bait, however it is a very tricky pool so dont go there expecting to catch all the time, either fish the open water over a light scattering of boilies or If your fishing against the islands/ margins you need to be very right against them, within inches It's a lovely little place just not the easiest (as true specimen waters are usually like)
  23. I love peg 8.. I worked out that iv done 12 trips there for 25 fish, which is a great return.. Don't ignore the open water
  24. No crayfish in there, just a very tricky pool. I had a double and a mid 20 off peg 8 last week and I love the place Back on this Wednesday
  25. I went yesteday for a quick afternoon session for a few runs, nice little lake, 13 fish came out while I was there, 12 of them to me! Nothing big but good for a bend in the rod, and at 4 quid a day you can't complain
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