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    Chelmsford Essex

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  1. I'll try again, as I PM'd you when you asked last time.
  2. Hi Have you had a chance to do the map of Chigboro? i'm hoping to go to the lake this weekend. Be great to see what swims are worth a go. Thanks again Jim
  3. Tryzard Cheers mate, really appreciate the advice, couple of the guys I was chatting to on Saturday had has a pretty successful nights there in the quieter part of the lake, although they'd both fished it over the winter and had found it very hard. To be honest I'm almost after a 'Runs' water as I only get to fish maybe 3 times a year due to family commitments and want to catch, but don't really want to go down the Newlands Hall route, so the advice is really welcome. Can I ask if you plum around in your swim to find clear patches, or do you use a PVA bag to overcome any weed issues? (I usually fish lakes that don't really suffer much weed (newlands and birds green) so am unsure really what tactics to employ, I was going to use either an inline led set up or lead on a clip with about a 4-5 inch hook length with a pop up or bottom boilie over a bed of crushed boilies or pellet and use this with a PVA bag. As for the numpties, LOL there were a few there as well, 2 guys totally zonked in there bivvy, oblivious to the mass of carp feeding in front of them, just wish I'd had my rod. Thanks again Jimbo
  4. Hi Can anyone shed some light on this water please? (http://www.chigboro-fisheries.co.uk/chigboro/mayw.html) I'm looking for tips on how to beat the weed, what sort of realistic stock it holds and any other help you might be able to give on fishing this water for the first time. Had a look around at the weekend and people were catching, and there were lots of fish feeding on the surface. Thanks in advance for any help Jim
  5. Hi Can anyone help? I'm looking to find out more information about 2 lakes in the White Colne area of Essex, they are off the Colchester Road (A1124) down a path that I think goes to Chalkney Mill and Chalkney Wood. See google maps: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=white+colne&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=38.365962,71.542969&ie=UTF8&ll=51.925095,0.725291&spn=0.007304,0.017467&t=h&z=16 If anyone has any info on them could you please let me know Many thanks Jim
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