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Everything posted by jgreener

  1. Hi All, I've started making my own homemade pop ups as I wanted to start a commercial business in special pop ups down in the South. I first purchased the Rod Hutchinson range liquids, these smelt great but as soon as I made a mix, the flavour appeared to go completely. I even added around 10ml of flavour for a 1 egg mix, instead of the 5ml per 6 eggs as suggested. This is a considerably a lot more than it suggests with no great results. I have then tried the DT baits liquids which smell even stronger and more 'syrupy' but once boiled they still smell very weak.. (10mm's boiled for 1 min) I have air died them and potted them. I am just puzzled to how they do this commercially as pop ups out of a pot are round and stink. Are there any hidden tricks I should be doing which aren't in all the videos online? I am also finding it hard to keep the boilies perfectly round once they go into the water. After I have boiled them they appear to misshapen slightly and loose that lovely round look. I know customers are fussy and I am too, so a perfect round boilie with a strong smell is what people want. Hope you guys can help me out. Cheers, J
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