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Everything posted by RobertZilla

  1. Tnx and how important is sinking rate of a line? There are some marked as “sink as a brick”. In most cases I cast downstream. What’s the main difference?
  2. They are almost the same as ***** but cheaper?
  3. Hello What type of fishing line do you use for river carp fishing and what is your experience with it? I'm using now Trabucco T-Force Pro Carp, and I wanna try something new. Yes, change it even if it's not broken
  4. Hello The situation is very tense I must decide between these two: Greys GT4 And Sonik Dominator X, both in 12” 3.25lb Most of the time I spend carping on rivers and 20% on lakes, where I need to achieve bigger distances. But fish playing has a greater advantage over a stiffness or the ability to throw lead to the moon What would you buy and why? Tnx
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