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About Nik077

  • Birthday 16/05/1968

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  • Interests
    Carp Fishing

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  1. Nige, as I fished for many days out of each week I've seen Ed once, Dave about 3 or 4 times. On 3 occasions I've seen him feed the place which isn't what their Facebook page implies. Talking with various people, the majority say you see Dave when he's collecting cash. In my eye's looking after a fishery isn't turning up once a month or so. Sorry I didn't reply to your comments earlier.
  2. June and August, the larger being the first one
  3. As for the two fish that were stocked, the 40 was caught at 38 and the 31 caught at 28.
  4. After speaking with locals they said 'The old commons have all but gone, other lads who visit the lake have informed me that they're seeing dead fish regularly' . Local knowledge is far better than assumptions in my eye's.
  5. Apologies for not being on here eaelier
  6. I caught approx 70 fish from Esnes, spent the whole summer on there fishing nearly every peg. Watched most members struggle to catch more than one fish. The owners asked me to record the fish and me being a lover of carp I did. After time spent gaining local knowledge I hear fish deaths are rising. I'm not the kind of angler who hides my bait and tactics, I found tiger nuts do the business & simple rig I used in the late 80s accounted for most of my captures. £400 I feel is a lot of money to catch stockies and with only two fish over 20 isn't value for money. The fish are beautiful lookers but its going to take years to get them into 20+ pounders. Distance isn't a problem.
  7. Hi all, fished Esne's Quarry 2017 caught 70 fish up to 16 lb. Looking for a good carp water with a decent head of fish over twenty pounds any ideas please after paying 400 to fish a water full of stockies i need to get back to Real Carp Fishing Any help ??
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