General opinion is find the fish and cast to any showing fish. Any decent branded bait seems to work bright baits I've found most successful too much pellet in any bait you use will draw the bream in ( not that you get plagued with em ). Seems to be getting a bit busier now especially around weekends with people fishing right round the lake. I'd personally stay away from the east lake end of the lake( seems busiest with boats / canoes etc). Tactics vary with some boys fishing over spod I personally don't go mad with the bait. Don't get sucked into thinking you gotta fish at 130 yards unless you see fish there. Most of my success has been casting to the islands and around where they Moor up the boats. When winter sets in the fellas tend to favour the club end of the lake. Do be prepared to put the time in though if you want success on here it's nothing like the chase the stocking is much more sparse and with size of the water being what it is it's tough. This season I've had around 16 days for only 3 fish biggest of 27lb