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  1. Let us know how you get on bud just booked 5 nights in october
  2. depends on budget but the tfg 2 man scout is brilliant for the price, you would have to pay 3 times as much to get the same from bigger brands
  3. ill give them a good look tomorrow in the shop biteing the bullet and purchasing something tomorrow
  4. nightmare might give the place a shot in a couple of weeks
  5. i know bud im just not that confident in the switch can see my self getting into all sorts of trouble on a run in thr middle of the night
  6. cheers gaz when did this happen? ill be calling them first thing great place
  7. were have you fished bud ? theres loads of decent waters near you and within a hours drive
  8. how did you get on bud im local to the lake but never botherd due to comments from friends
  9. erics willows great place long waiting list tho
  10. looked at the beastmaster a couple of times but put off by not having a bait runner
  11. ladywood lakes not to far bud ,small lake good runs water
  12. cherrs bud im wanting a big pit but with a baitrunner which is why i was looking at the exorcist as for the money i want to spend when im buying 3 seemed the only option
  13. how do these two compare to the greys gt4 ?
  14. sweet cheers bud i was looking at the riot untill the wychwood exorcist caught my eye i take a trip to the shop tomorrow and see what they feel like together
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