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  1. I heard something similar, or was it the owner of Beaver moaning again🙄 Fished Wire Mill once years ago with my son. All we caught was weed and loads of it. Swims were like the jungle and we were the only ones there. I wonder why.
  2. Pippingford is members only and £150 p.a But with all that water to choose from and membership restricted, I am giving it serious thought. I have heard that Bay Pond in Godstone is a poor place these days. No idea how you fish the chain of lakes behind the church. You are correct, Godstone AC doesn't seem to exist anymore.
  3. Thanks guy. Duly noted.
  4. I need to invest in a decent 100% waterproof and comfortable pair of boots. Only want to wear them for fishing. Nothing fancy or thermal. Any recommendations?
  5. Nine months have passed since my last post and I still haven't been to Pippingford Just found out that Godstone Vineyard has closed its lake permanently as of last November. Sad really as a lot of people would of used it and it was half decent, once upon a time. Pity the owners couldn't be bothered with it. I have had two sessions in the past week at Tandridge Lake and that is fishing well. Several carp on the surface and it's only April Beaver Farm is also fishing well according to my friends. Happy fishing to you all.
  6. Pippingford. I have traveled up an down the A22 more times than I can remember and I've never heard of it. Until now. Thanks for that, I will check it out. Pooter, your description of the Scientology place is perfect.
  7. Ian, It's called Saint Hill Manor now. You have to go through the main security gate and show your membership and rod licence to security. Apparently it's at their discretion as to whether or not you get in. Or out I did a delivery last year to the manor (before I knew they had a lake) and it was a weird experience. Cameras watch you as you drive in, you have to be buzzed in, give them the reg no, tell them where you are going and you are watched all the way until you leave. The freaky bit was the staff, members, or whatever you call them. They all dress and look the same. I thought I was in a movie
  8. I believe Hedgecourt is a members only lake, something to do with Isfield AC? They also run several other sites around Crawley & East Grinstead including one within the Church of Scientology grounds. Which I have been told has rarely been fished in years. Who knows what may be in that lake or how big?
  9. Funnily enough a colleague who lives in Crawley is due to fish Hunters Lodge this weekend. I had heard it is nice and quiet and the owner restricts the number of anglers there. I fished Wire Mill with my son some years ago. Not a good day as I remember (grass was taller than him) and the guy with the speedboat and his waterskier mate didn't help. I fished a half day at Tandridge Lake last Tuesday and had three nice carp between 3-9lb. The other anglers all seemed to get a very good mixed bag. Still no sign of the elusive 20+lb's or the tench. But we know they are there. Somewhere Jeff's Lake at Beaver Farm was fishing brilliantly. I went there twice in mid July and everyone seemed to be catching carp up to low doubles.
  10. Thank you. The challenge set by the owner is for someone to catch the 20's he has in there. Here's hoping.
  11. Just done my third day at Tandridge Lake this week and I had my best days fishing ever. A lovely mirror weighing just under 18lb an hour after I arrived started the day off in great style. This was quickly followed by a lovely little common of 3lb. Nothing then for nearly five hours but between 2-3pm I got two more commons of 12lb and 12lb 4ozs respectively (one on each rod) and to round it off another little common of just under 4lb. Five carp weighing around 48lb. I'm chuffed to hell. I must say thank you to the owners David & Marge for the effort they put in throughout the year.
  12. Whilst I have only got into carp fishing recently, I have been fishing around here on and off for 20 odd years and I have fished most of the local places many times. Godstone Vineyard just north of J6 is on the A22 southbound carriageway. It was a great place to go especially for youngsters who would catch numerous small roach, carp etc.. on maggot or worms. There were some nice 20+lb carp there and I have seen several caught. Sadly that is no longer the case. I recently fished it along with two others who had been there twice that week and they both said they had seen other anglers catch nothing. Rumours have been rife for some years that a lot of the fish have gone. I will let you draw your own conclusions as to where. My day there was a total blank, the other two had a couple of very small roach and a gudgeon, one man did pull out a nice looking carp of around 8-9lb. Warwick Wold is relatively new but is growing in reputation. You can see it as you come down Reigate Hill (M25 bit) as you head anti-clockwise, before you get to junction 7 (M23). A friend of mine has fished it several times and speaks very highly of it as do others I have met. A neighbour and his father fished it once last winter and again at Easter, both had a lot of fun and landed a couple of good fish each. This is the next place on my list to visit. Tandridge Lake is worth a visit but you must book in advance. The number of anglers is controlled and you will need the code to get in. Great place for both kids and adults. A good number of carp up to mid 20's (fish the far end either side or behind the second island) and some nice Tench (fish by the stables). Everywhere else will produce smaller specimens but it will be fun. The car park is big enough for a dozen cars, nets must be dipped and there is a loo. Edenbrook I mentioned in another post on the topic. In short, nice place, book in advance, get there early. Beaver Farm (A22) just past the Mormon Temple before Felbridge. Lost count of how many times I went there over the years. Pike (in the winter) worth a go, several lakes some with big carp and catfish. Best to read their website first and ask when you get there what is fishing well. Personally I found tangerine boilies always worked well especially on Moat Farm Pond as did a method feeder. Others may disagree. I hope this may be of interest to some of you.
  13. I know this is a very old thread but thought I would give you all an update about Edenbrook. A colleague who lives only a minute away from there has fished it several times this year and has never failed to catch (or so he says). His biggest so far on Meridian lake is 16lb 6oz. I have been on that lake three times in the past month and have caught several carp between 3-10 lb. I have to say it is very nice and well maintained. I will be going back again next weekend and regularly throughout the summer. My colleague is off next week and aims to go there 2-3 times so we shall see what happens. The main lake does hold a lot of big fish but it is a very hard place to fish. You do have to put the hours in and you need to appreciate that it will be very busy at the weekends. Meridian however is often nearly empty and there are a few good swims. This lake apparently does hold a few fish around the low 20's. My only criticism is the lack of parking. A small car park which every time I have been there contains old vans that never seem to move and a piece of old farm machinery. That said I can think of other places that are as bad. Booking in advance is a must!! They do restrict the number of anglers and will ask you at the time of booking, which lake you wish to fish.
  14. Hi Ian, Little Chef? Now you are testing my little grey cells. You could be right, there were a lot of those around at one time. There is a big pub nearly opposite called the Arkle Manor (used to be a Beefeater) before it went all trendy. Thanks for your reply.
  15. Has anyone fished here recently? It's situated on the A25 at Betchworth (between Reigate and Dorking).
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