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Everything posted by Midlandcarper

  1. It's a syndicate lake in a farmers field mate , wouldn't really have been possible today but could be worth ago in the summer. There not usually as easy to track down as they were today though which is why I've got so gutted about blanking 😂, I've sat up nearly all night for 2 nights before and seen nothing. Think they must have been flanking on the shallow gravel or something this morning
  2. Cheers guys , afew different ideas to mull over. Was thinking of switching to small pva bags of crushed black tigers with a tiger hookbait over the coming weeks, just a mouthful sort of thing. any ideas on a single hookbait , 1 bite sort of tactic?
  3. Zigs is something I haven't really gave a proper go , tried chucking the odd one out but never gone for all three rods. Should also mention it's not just me struggling there 2 lads managed to pick up afew fish last spring but other than that there was 1 fish out all last year that came to a bloke doing an 8 day session
  4. Hi guys first post on this forum. I've been fishing a weedy lake for about 2 years now and had 1 run. It does get fished and does see abit of bait but usually have the lake to myself. I've seen bait from the boat that just sits there until it rots, I've tried all sorts of things including prebaiting every day for about a month before a session but not getting any kind of response .Today has about broke me , moved onto showing fish in a shallow bay were I know the water is no more than 3 foot deep. I flicked out 2 chods with a white pop up on 1 and a pink on the other then watched on as fish rolled every 5 minutes directly over them for 3 hours without so much as a twictch. Just wondering if any one has fished any were similar and how they got a result . Cheers
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