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24 hours at the club water



Having the London marathon route at the 4 mile stage meant I'd could only do a 24 hour stint at my club water, So straight from work on Friday morning, after a night shift, not rushing I stopped for supply's and breakfast .Arriving lake side be 7:30 am,things are looking good. Heading straight to my pre baited swims to have a little check, overcast with promise of some sun later, I cheek out some of the snags ,as fish on this lake will be holed up, seeing a lot of the smaller fish in a number of the spot people fish, I continue walking, back at the car just about to unload and set up. 3 fish show on the other bank, having already looked at a swim I've never fished but able to reach a spot from a different direction I head back to the other swim, being in a position that could be effected by other anglers later. I pick 2 spots 1 to my right next to a snaggy tree, I drop in 20 of my new bait( the Green#1) knowing the spot I'm straight on the end of the tree with out problem, Brew time to think about the other 2 spots,out comes the marker and go for a mark about 40 yard but feel this could be the problem spot if someone turns up to fish, still with the marker I find a little weed and gravel at 30 yards and drop 20 baits here too, the last spot I'm not going to fish yet, but dropped 20 baits to my left in the margins of around 4 ft.


A good fish show out at 50 yard mark , it's a little to far left to cast safely as I'm being block by a tree, shame, I stick out 5 baits just to make myself feel good, a little hope a dropping bait mite just attract it's attention. some banner with the boys on Facebook, I'm ready for some sleep now I've been up around 30 hours. Rods are in the lines settled and the hanger are on shoes off sleep time,


nothing thought out the afternoon and early evening apart from the wind tuning slightly and blowing straight at me,not worried it's a S-westerly more banter on FB and there's only 2 others on the lake, alarm go of at 2:30 along with the kettle, a single bleep on the tree rod and hope is triggers, phone call from stumpy who is just leaving home for work checks what's been going on, have I had any thing, a pot noodle I rely: calls me a ****** and puts the phone down , Moore single bleeps with no action, I snooze at little,the middle rod tears off bring me back to life. a nice 15:8 oz common is in the net ,top up the spot the fish was from .


I decide to check on the tree rod , as expected bait gone, Re baited Re cast, getting a better position this time, kettle is back on and I post the pic to our FB Page so we can keep fish record for the year, Stumpy calls and talks about breakfast making me hungry,On goes the pan egg and sausage sandwich with tea underway, I'm just about to eat the Second half,Bang the rod on the tree slams into a curve,I'm up and in with the fish going to open water, nice I think, As the fish turns to head back to snaggy water, a proposer little battle with this fish who want to go snaggy and try's right along the tree line, I win, an other common in the net,16lb8oz it's know 8am and I'm thinking of packing up . job done, I'm happy with the session the new bait as taken fish on a different water on its second trip out ,


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