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High FODMAP Spices

Eating a healthy diet can be a difficult endeavor. However, any way to give your food flavor can help keep you on track. For a low FODMAP follower, many sauces and processed flavorings are off limits due to sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup and honey. Therefore, follow these tips to find spices and herbs to help flavor your meals the low FODMAP way.

Spices to Avoid

First, let’s start with which spices you should avoid to prevent digestive symptoms. The big ones are garlic and onion powder, and any spice mix containing these powders. Other spices to stay away from include any spice mixes that contain dried mushroom, dried beans of any kind, the white part of scallions, and any marinade or spice rub with wheat flour added to it. Also, some low-sugar marinade mixes may contain sugar alcohols, so be sure to avoid these. Look carefully on the ingredient label before purchasing spices and spice mixes.

Fodmap spices


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