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About this blog

This is a blog just detailing the numerous carp fishing adventures myself and friends (all with nickname's) have around the Cornwall and South Devon area as this tends to be a part of the country always overlooked in the carp angling world, however there are loads of awesome lake's and great fish to be had. It will detail the numerous antics and shenanigans which end up happening on our adventures as well as details about the lake's, how we fished, bait and all sorts. So please give them a read and I hope you enjoy them, and any constructive criticism on my writing style is definitely welcome :).   

Entries in this blog

Another Successful/Un-Successful Runs Day

So on this day session out myself, the hippy and the hobbit decided to try out a new water, Trebellan Park lakes out near Newquay, Cornwall. On this particular session the hippies girlfriend Lilly came along (and caught more fish than the hobbit I think ).   Now myself and the hobbit took a walk around the lake the weekend before and saw so many carp on the surface it was insane, some looked a good size to. After speaking to a couple anglers willing to share a bit of local kn



The Late Bloomer

The Late Bloomer So, as you can tell it’s been a while, that’s due to the arrival of my second future fishing buddy my little baby girl in April. But I am back in action with two trips under my belt since her arrival and three more planned, so hopefully have plenty to show and tell in the coming couple of months (thanks to a very understanding and awesome wife, I swear I wasn’t made to write that to). However back to the trip at hand. So this is the second trip after my baby girl the f



February's Trial, Error and Success Story

Once again myself and the hairy one was sitting down at about midnight watching fishing vids on you tube and as we sit there obviously craving a session we decide, right let’s forget work and go fishing. As we sit there running through our usual choices of lakes we pondered about a reservoir just around the corner from us that we have still yet to try and said let’s give it a go. However as always, the carp gremlins start to take hold before we’ve even given it a shot, ‘it’s a big lake, bigger t



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