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With so much to do and so little time in the day, sometimes meal time can be forgotten.  However, it is not always the best idea to skip meals since you could be missing out on important nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. Therefore, it may be a good idea to reach for a meal replacement shake.  Not only are such shakes portable and convenient for those with a busy schedule, but they can also help you fill any nutritional gaps in your day, so your body can be adequately nourished.  There are so many meal replacement shakes and powders out there, but not all of them are FODMAP friendly. Therefore, read below for tips on how to choose a low FODMAP meal replacement shake.

What exactly is a meal replacement shake?

A meal replacement shake is any liquid supplement that provides all the nutrients that you would normally get for a meal. The only difference is that it provides these nutrients in a more portable form with little preparation, so they can be consumed on the go while running errands, working, etc.  

High FODMAP meal replacement shake ingredients

Sometimes when you read the ingredient label of a meal replacement shake, it can take up the entire length of the bottle.  This is not always a good sign, unless the long list of ingredients are mostly vitamins and nutrients that have been added to the shake.  Here is a list of some common meal replacement shake ingredients that are high FODMAP and should be avoided by those with digestive issues.

·         Whey protein concentrate or milk protein concentrate: These ingredients are typically added to provide protein, but they can also be high in lactose, and in turn are high FODMAP.

·         Crystalline Fructose or fructose-based ingredients like high fructose corn syrup: Limit fructose-based sweeteners since they are high FODMAP in excess.

·         Soy protein derived from whole soybeans: Soybeans are high FODMAP, therefore any protein powder derived from whole soybeans should be avoided. However, you should be ok if the soy protein has been processed to remove the fiber content since this is where most of the FODMAPs in soy are concentrated.

·         Nonfat dry milk: Cow’s milk in any form is high in lactose, and therefore, high FODMAP.

·         Agave syrup, molasses, or honey: These sweeteners may be more natural, but they are high in fructose, and therefore high FODMAP.

·         Fructo- or galacto-oligosaccharides: These functional fibers are indigestible carbohydrates that are considered high FODMAP.

·         Fruit or fruit concentrates such as mango, pear, peach, or apple: These fruits in any form are high in fructose, and therefore high FODMAP.

·         Sugar alcohols and inulin: Sugar alcohols like sorbitol, mannitol, erythritol, and xylitol are high in polyols and inulin is high in fructans, which makes these sweeteners high FODMAP.

·         Carob powder

Besides the ingredients on this list, there are some ingredients that are technically low FODMAP shakes, but may cause digestive distress in some. Ingredients called gums are added to many processed products like meal replacement shakes to provide thickness and texture. These gums such as acacia, xanthan, and guar gums are technically low FODMAP, but may trigger symptoms in some people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Therefore, consume a little bit to test your tolerance before consuming such ingredients on a regular basis.

Entries in this blog

High FODMAP Spices

Eating a healthy diet can be a difficult endeavor. However, any way to give your food flavor can help keep you on track. For a low FODMAP follower, many sauces and processed flavorings are off limits due to sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup and honey. Therefore, follow these tips to find spices and herbs to help flavor your meals the low FODMAP way. Spices to Avoid First, let’s start with which spices you should avoid to prevent digestive symptoms. The big ones are garlic and on

Wilma Lyon

Wilma Lyon in Health

Is Whey Protein Isolate Low FODMAP?

There is a plethora of protein powders out there. While most experts recommend getting protein from a natural diet, protein powders are an excellent (and often necessary) option in some groups. With so many choices out there, patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) — or other gut conditions worsened by FODMAPs — can have a hard time determining the best protein powder for them. In this article, we’ll look at what protein is and why you need it, the types of protein powders, whether whey

Wilma Lyon

Wilma Lyon in Health

What Are The Best Digestive Enzymes To Take For IBS?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common gut condition that revolves around abdominal pain. It has been linked to FODMAPs, which are sugars that can trigger symptoms in patients. People have come up with digestive enzyme supplements to help them tolerate FODMAPs better, and in this article, we’ll take a look at some supplements that you can try to help with IBS. What are digestive enzyme supplements? Digestive enzyme supplements come as pills or powder and are designed to break down

Wilma Lyon

Wilma Lyon in Health

Best Probiotics For The Low FODMAP Diet

What are Probiotics? If you ever had problems with your digestive system, or you have taken antibiotics, you probably have received the advice to take probiotics. Broadly speaking, probiotics promote healthy digestive tract and a healthy immune system, by improving or restoring the gut flora. However, before diving deeper, it is good to know what they are exactly. According to the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP), a probiotic is defined as “live mic

Wilma Lyon

Wilma Lyon in Health

Is protein powder good for ibs

Protein shakes can be a nutritious and convenient meal option if you are on the the go. However, if you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), picking a protein powder can be a difficult process. This is because milk ingredients high in lactose, certain thickeners that contain gluten, as well as certain sweeteners and flavors can be high in FODMAPs that can cause digestive discomfort. Therefore, use the tips below to help you find a protein powder that will help you eat healthy on the go without c

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Wilma Lyon in protein powder

Can Protein Powder Cause Digestive Problems?

Protein powder is a quick and effective way to nourish your body, which is why so many people use it for various reasons. From building muscle mass, losing weight, improving sports performance, to enhancing overall wellness, protein powder is a great solution! However, not all protein powders are created equal. Some can cause digestive problems like stomach cramps, bloating, and frequent trips to the bathroom. So if your protein powder is causing stomach problems, it’s worth paying att

Wilma Lyon

Wilma Lyon in Health

Choosing a Protein Powder to Ease Leaky Gut

A ‘leaky gut’ is also known as increased intestinal permeability, where gaps in the intestinal wall begin to loosen and widen. This makes it easier for large, harmful microorganisms and toxins to cross through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream. It’s been hypothesized that these pathogens and wastes now loose in the blood stream can stimulate inflammation and immune reactions, causing a variety of connected health problems. This collection of health issues is known as ‘leaky gut s

Wilma Lyon

Wilma Lyon in Health

The 11 Best Low FODMAP Vegan Sources Of Protein

A muscle-building diet doesn’t have to revolve around boiled chicken breasts. The moment you begin any kind of exercise kick you’ll be told to up your protein intake. Protein is the fuel that repairs and builds muscles after a workout, so if you’re hitting the gym it makes sense to eat more of it. The popular conception of protein tends towards meat and vast tubs of protein powder. Plain chicken breasts washed down with a protein shake is about as appetizing as it sounds. However, prot

Wilma Lyon

Wilma Lyon in Health

Have you been avoiding Constipation while following a Low FODMAP Diet?

Constipation, or the big C as it is more affectionately known, can have a number of causes.  Common examples include: sudden dietary changes, consuming too many high protein and dairy products, lack of physical activity, stress and anxiety, overuse of laxatives (and residual fecal build up), some medications (e.g., narcotics, iron pills, antidepressants), and, more often than not, insufficient fluid and fiber intake. Constipation, or difficult bowel movements that occur less often than normal, c

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Wilma Lyon in Wilma Lyon

Does Collagen Help Heal the Gut?

People struggling with leaky gut, which is a complex health issue, realize its impact on their daily lives. Lately, the focus is on tackling the leaky gut by enhancing the diet and immunity. The role of Collagen, which potentially averts leaky gut symptoms is increasingly stressed. Collagen supplements for leaky gut are an excellent option in the field of wellness, gut health, and fitness. Let's review what eaky gut is and how collagen is useful in preventing it. What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Wilma Lyon

Wilma Lyon in Health

Bovine Collagen for Gut Health

Bovine collagen has many benefits, including reduced skin aging, better bone health, and improved joint pain. But is it any good for gut health?  If you’re wondering how bovine collagen can impact your tummy symptoms, this article will guide you through the relationship between bovine collagen and gut health! What is bovine collagen? Bovine collagen is a protein derived from cows. Our bodies are naturally replete with collagen, which provides structural support to various tissues

Wilma Lyon

Wilma Lyon in Health

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