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    salokcinnodrog reacted to jh92 in September catch reports.   
    Another double this morning, I was gonna go home today but everything is damp, it's cold and I just cba packing everything up so gonna do another night, got 2 - 3kg left so should be good for a few more bites 👍 rods are in, gonna get over the shop get a few bits etc 👍
  2. Like
    salokcinnodrog reacted to mrmud in Today's thought.   
    I agree the best place to recover is on the bank.Chilling with the wildlife with a few carp thrown in for exercise lol.
    Take it easy though dude.
    I don't think of anything whilst on the bank.
    First thing I done as soon as I was mobile was arranged this weekend on a lake.
  3. Like
    salokcinnodrog got a reaction from jh92 in Today's thought.   
    I don't like or even won't accept being ill, I'm too active.
    Being stuck pretty much indoors for a week just walking Sky and doing small bit shopping was a nightmare, so Monday on the Wensum was a relief, although I was shattered Tuesday and was in bed by 10pm.
    Today is off to the syndicate to fish for a few days, best place to recover i reckon...
  4. Like
    salokcinnodrog reacted to framey in Pigeon conditioner   
    If it’s the aniseed version I can’t see the point in adding molasses to it personally 
    if it is plain then Yes but each to their own 
    you could also just mix some marmite with hot water and get that yeasty effect
    never neglect the cupboards at home for alternative liquids or powders
  5. Like
    salokcinnodrog got a reaction from mrmud in Pigeon conditioner   
    Salt can definitely stop hemp splitting, so if you do add salt, put it in the bucket before you pour your freshly boiled hemp back into it.
    I prep up hemp and pigeon conditioner for 4/5 day sessions; the first 2 days buckets have no extra water, the last 2 I leave extra water in.
    If hemp dries out it will float, so the water prevents that.
  6. Like
    salokcinnodrog got a reaction from Golden Paws in Today's thought.   
    Well I have had the throat surgery, been good, pretty much isolated myself for 7days.
    On Monday I drove up to see my daughter and granddaughter and have a few hours fishing the river Wensum.
    I'm now in the still painful stage of the scabs in my throat falling away, so on the recovery road. Decided to have a few days chasing rainbows on the syndicate.
    One thing I can guarantee is that having abscesses burnt away and tonsils removed is not as painful as the recovery.
    Struggled to eat for 4days, but now nearly eating properly although slowly.
    I do have to regain the 10kg I lost from January to now.
  7. Like
    salokcinnodrog got a reaction from jh92 in Today's thought.   
    Well I have had the throat surgery, been good, pretty much isolated myself for 7days.
    On Monday I drove up to see my daughter and granddaughter and have a few hours fishing the river Wensum.
    I'm now in the still painful stage of the scabs in my throat falling away, so on the recovery road. Decided to have a few days chasing rainbows on the syndicate.
    One thing I can guarantee is that having abscesses burnt away and tonsils removed is not as painful as the recovery.
    Struggled to eat for 4days, but now nearly eating properly although slowly.
    I do have to regain the 10kg I lost from January to now.
  8. Like
    salokcinnodrog got a reaction from jh92 in September catch reports.   
  9. Like
    salokcinnodrog reacted to jh92 in September catch reports.   
    I've just had the best fight of my life, fish was kiting down the res from 100 yards out, it was a long slow plod towards me until about 40 yards, started going again, got it back to about 20 yards and it just went off, the rod went in half with it just charging off, it kept doing this for about 15 20 minutes, every time I gained some it just took off again, I didn't want to tighten the clutch anymore at risk of losing it and the rod was already going in half 🤣. I eventually got it into the net and straight away knew it was a chunk 🤣 

    33lb on the nose!!! Guys i am absolutely buzzing, my adrenaline is going and my hands are still shaking 👍🤣
    I do have some photos on the dslr too, they came out acceptable to me but still can't get the focus correct. But it don't matter tbh I'm happy with my phone photos and can look back on them 👍👍👍👍 fish has destroyed me 🤣🤣🤣
    In the middle of the fight my second rod went off, then the third at the same time. Once the fish was in the sling I lifted into the second rod and connected to a fish, starting getting it back but it Bumped off, so drops that rod and lifts into the 3rd rod and landed a little common about 10lb 
    All rods are out the water and I feel done in🤣 might have a chill tonight then get rods back out early with a fresh lot of bait 👍
  10. Like
    salokcinnodrog got a reaction from elmoputney in Matching spod rods? Free spirit helical spod   
    I must have seen the same reviews, Tackle Box rods definitely worth the money from my recall was the views 
  11. Like
    salokcinnodrog got a reaction from jh92 in Camera tips and advice from September catch reports.   
    I have a cheat, one of my banksticks which I use as a distance stick has a Gardner camera adaptor and phone bracket mount screwed into the top.
    Get the unhooking mat in between the two and I'm normally at the right distance.
    Add Selfie voice trigger app on the phone, and it is good to go.
  12. Like
    salokcinnodrog reacted to barry211 in River Waveney, Beccles, Suffolk   
    cheers, Marsh Lane not too far about 8 miles but with rivers that could be anything or nothing
    reckon it will be fun and if i catch anything will put in on catch reports
  13. Like
    salokcinnodrog got a reaction from barry211 in River Waveney, Beccles, Suffolk   
    The Waveney has benefitted from a 'wash-in' of Ocean pit fish.
    The two were connected from October to January and part of the bank was washed away, despite there being a field in between.
    Is Marsh Lane near Carlton Colville?
    I don't think that there are any Mills between Harleston and there, so all species are a possibility
  14. Like
    salokcinnodrog got a reaction from jh92 in Achieving more distance?   
    25 times 3.66metres is 91.5metres, not big casting in today's world.
    I learnt years ago that rods are the key, and 12 feet 2.75tc rods will do it.
    With 2.75lb Century SP's, 15lb mainline, 30lb Amnesia leader and 3oz leads I was hitting over 125metres around the early 2000's.
    My current 12ft 3.25lb RH The Ones I was going even further with no leader and 3.5oz leads.
    Look at your rods, as @yonny says.
  15. Like
    salokcinnodrog got a reaction from kevtaylor in New purchases   
    On the spring nose trigger, turn the clip round, that sorts many problems including premature ej, sorry opening
    I wish I could replace springs, but I keep forgetting to grab them as I kill the spomb. For me it is the tail spring that pops it open is what breaks, pike teeth don't help...
    Oh yes, I forgot those 2 Spombs I broke, landing directly on a swan ( both times they came into the area midcast). 
  16. Like
    salokcinnodrog reacted to kevtaylor in Matching spod rods? Free spirit helical spod   
    The spod rod was in a magazine feature from memory, rods were placed in 3 price ranges, this won the mid price range with all 3 judges and I think 2 also had it as their overall favourite to use.
  17. Like
    salokcinnodrog got a reaction from kevtaylor in Matching spod rods? Free spirit helical spod   
    I must have seen the same reviews, Tackle Box rods definitely worth the money from my recall was the views 
  18. Like
    salokcinnodrog got a reaction from kevtaylor in New purchases   
    I've played with various Spods and Spombs, and the honest answer is the genuine Spomb is the best of the lot in my opinion.
    With braid and a low angle cast the Spomb won't open, it skids not hitting the nose trigger. Get a vertical drop, even at 5 rod lengths no problem.
    Note, adding a mono leader reduces not opening or crack-offs as the sudden clip hit allows a bit of stretch, not break, and also causes the Spomb to drop straight down.
    Retrieve is good if you can get it 'penguin walking' over the surface, although pike love 'em.
    The Dot spod, quality is awful, looks homemade and the spring  is not the best it can bend out of shape. Getting it to shut can be a pain.  Retrieve is ok'ish.
    As for the Fox, don't go there, didn't always empty, and it came in like a bag of poo.
    The Wolf Spod I've not used, bit pricey as I seem to break spods or Spombs after pike attacks and have to keep replacing them.
  19. Like
    salokcinnodrog reacted to commonly in Today's thought.   
    Joking aside, it's not nice at all. I can't hear anything on my right side.
    Hopefully get a jetflushsaver and be sorted.
    I can't imagine what it'd be like to go completely deaf
  20. Like
    salokcinnodrog reacted to mrmud in Today's thought.   
    The thought is scary. We take some things for granted until they're gone
  21. Like
    salokcinnodrog reacted to kevtaylor in Matching spod rods? Free spirit helical spod   
    Yeah I've seen the price rise, think I paid 180, absolutely worth 200.  I could have bought the Harrison one, but this one is raved about beating rods twice the price. 👍
  22. Like
    salokcinnodrog reacted to kevtaylor in Rod Shots   
    Couple of shots from my recent 5 night blank on Swan Lake, Bluebell.  A case of so near yet so far, the fish were smashing naturals in a tennis court sized area, moved to get the traps closer but chose a bad spot (felt feint gravel but the rods came back with a little silk weed on each) at ranges I shouldn't have been fishing so couldn't check the rods once in place - bad move in hindsight, thought I was being clever. 🤦‍♂️

  23. Like
    salokcinnodrog got a reaction from kevtaylor in Rod Shots   
    A decent westerly yesterday, and I was able to keep my rods tips underwater.
    Brilliant session!

  24. Like
    salokcinnodrog got a reaction from mrmud in Today's thought.   
    That doesn't sound very nice.
    It's amazing how much our ears affect us, not just hearing, but balance as well.
    I hope it does get better for you.
  25. Like
    salokcinnodrog got a reaction from commonly in Today's thought.   
    That doesn't sound very nice.
    It's amazing how much our ears affect us, not just hearing, but balance as well.
    I hope it does get better for you.
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